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Long-time viewer, first-time poster.

Wow! Canada looks beautiful! I'm glad you had a good time back home.

Your blog is really interesting, and I've learned a lot about how to be foreign and work/live in Japan from your posts. Thank you!



WELCOME BACK! hahahaha I've been checking every day for pretty much a month, hoping, that you'll resume the blog. Its amazing how entertaining the little morsels can be (especially for me, someone who was an Akabane-er and now is back to AB). Can't wait to read more!


Katatsumuri - one of the things I remember most about going to Grandma's house. I didn't like them because they were everywhere. But then along came Development and now there are hardly any snails left.


Welcome back! I've been eagerly awaiting a new post and here it is. Well worth the wait. Hope to hear more about your trip home.


Love the snail photo! I'm going to have to check out this Belfountain place (and Cora's too, for that matter)...


Thanks all for waiting patiently for a post, and for the welcome back.

David, there weren't nearly so many snails when I was a kid, but now there are tons of them. It seems the more developed our area gets, the wilder the park becomes, and now we have things I never saw when I was a kid like bunnies, beavers and berries (Saskatoon berries, to be exact).

Aspasia, Belfountain is pretty but not too much to do except a short hike and a picnic. It's close enough to a few other neat places to make a day trip though: the Forks of the Credit and the Cheltenham Badlands. It's also a lovely area just to drive around, with some lovely houses (and a few monster homes as well).
Cora's is also great, and I like how they pile on the fruit to make you think your giant greasy breakfast is healthy...


Okaeri--! I've been waiting for a new post!

Thanks for posting those wonderful pictures. What are the things the "wild kids" put in their mouths, by the way?


Glad to have you back and posting...but, so glad you had a chance to head home for some rest and relaxation!!!! Beautiful photos and looks as though you had a great time.


Welcome back! Lovely post about your Canadian adventures (and meals of course)!. Chicken quesadillas, YUM!


Pierogi ruskie! With a bit of sour cream... Mmmm, it's one of my favourite Polish dishes.


Looks like the trip back home was a blast. I worked in the general store in Belfountain one summer, it was nice to see some pictures of that lovely town on your blog!

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